Solutions: Nondairy, Meatless, Egg-free

Recommendations are based on my family’s taste preferences and what's available nearby.


Nondairy Milks: Use nondairy milks in the same way as dairy milk in cereal, coffee, and recipes. Thicken into sauces by using oil/flour roux or cornstarch slurry. Get to know the different flavors--soy, almond, rice, oat, coconut, hemp--by experimenting, and match the milk to the recipe according to your taste. For cooking don’t bother with the refrigerated milks (unless it’s creamer which is refrigerated) since the shelf-stable milks are just as good. Brands I use are Pacific Foods and Westsoy and other organic brands because I care about avoiding GMOs. Silk products are easy to find but many aren’t organic. At the food co-op I get a case discount… sweet!

Condiments, Canned Beans, Canned Soups: There are many good brands, even some organic canned veggies such as Libby's. I find that we like a lot of Amy’s Organics products – check labels because Amy’s makes non-vegan items too.

Vegetable Broth:

Bread, Bagels, Buns: Breads may be found in the grocery and/or frozen section. Rudi'sEzekielVermont, but always check labels for eggs, milk/whey, non-vegan sugar.


Egg-free Mayonnaise: Follow Your Heart Vegenaise

Meat Substitutes:

Nondairy Creamer:

Nondairy Cheese:
  • Daiya soy cheese: shredded cheddar, shredded mozzarella, shredded Jack (this brand really melts and tastes a lot like dairy cheese)
  • Tofutti cream cheese, ricotta, sour cream
  • Follow Your Heart Vegan Gourmet block cheeses, cream cheese, sour cream
  • Galaxy Nutritional Foods grated vegan parmesan (the soy, NOT the rice kind)
  • Home-made: See my recipes for ricotta, sour cream, and parmesan

Nondairy Butter (non-hydrogenated vegan margarine, no trans-fat):

Nondairy Yogurt:


Frozen Entrees, Burritos, Pizza: There are many good brands, but I find that we like a lot of Amy’s Organics products – check labels because Amy’s makes non-vegan items too.

Ravioli: Soyboy

Chicken-Flavor Patties:
Chicken-Flavor Cutlets:
  • Gardein “chick'n filets” or “chick'n scallopini” cutlets
Nondairy Ice Cream:

Bread, Bagels, Buns: Breads may be found in the grocery and/or frozen section. Rudi'sEzekielVermont, but always check labels for eggs, milk/whey, non-vegan sugar.

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